CIC, White Acrylic Topcoat 400 Series
5 of 5 Stars
I have used the CIC Centurion Water based Conversion Satin White coating for my kitchen cabinets I’ve built. This has been a labor of love since building my own kitchen cabinets has been on my bucket list for years. My wife wanted – you guessed it – white cabinets. Since I’m an amateur when it comes to painting, I took advice from Eric Reason (@ericreason on Instagram) and decided to use a vinyl sealer (CIC CS-1106) and the CIC top coat. Eric suggested I reach out to Greg Saunders at Annex Paints to get what I needed. Greg has been a great help with getting me aligned with the proper products. The team at Annex Paints have been very helpful for the subsequent reorders I needed. They graciously delivered all the orders to my home in Yorba Linda CA.
As for the final finish on the cabinets, I could not be happier. The paint flowed out well to create a smooth tough finish. The durability of the coating is everything I was hoping for in a kitchen environment. Most importantly, my wife loves the look and feel of the cabinets.
Since I had such good experience with the cabinets, I order the gloss version for a room with wainscoting and other finish trim. I had no problem applying this to the vertical wall surfaces.
I have been using an Apollo HVLP 5 stage unit with the 7700 Apollo gun. I used a 1.8 High Solids tip.
As for the final finish on the cabinets, I could not be happier. The paint flowed out well to create a smooth tough finish. The durability of the coating is everything I was hoping for in a kitchen environment. Most importantly, my wife loves the look and feel of the cabinets.
Since I had such good experience with the cabinets, I order the gloss version for a room with wainscoting and other finish trim. I had no problem applying this to the vertical wall surfaces.
I have been using an Apollo HVLP 5 stage unit with the 7700 Apollo gun. I used a 1.8 High Solids tip.
Date Added: 11/26/2019 by John F.